Survey and Investigation Services


We offer a wide range of survey and investigation services to aid our clients in validating existing records, identify existing non-compliances and inform future design: ​

Records Validation: We will attend site to correlate available records with the existing installation and provide redline mark-ups which reflect the current status on site. ​

Dilapidation and Condition Assessment: We will assess the existing installation against current standards and regulations to highlight existing non-compliances. ​

Electrical Installation Condition Reports: We will undertake statutory periodic inspection and testing to BS7671:2018 +A1:2020 and record on current model forms. ​

Load Monitoring: We will install load monitoring equipment to establish current maximum instantaneous and average load on an existing power supply or circuit. ​

DNO Supply Characteristics: We will carry out targeted testing to confirm current Earth Loop Impedance and Prospective Fault Current at a point of the installation. ​

Tag & Trace: We will use a variety of means to trace the route of existing cable circuits and update existing site labelling to aid future operation and maintenance. ​

Lux Level Measurement: We will measure existing lux levels across currently illuminated zones and calculate uniformity and diversity for assessment. ​

Snagging Works: We will provide an independent assessment of recent installation works to identify defects, outstanding works or other snags to be rectified. ​

All survey works and all electrical inspection and testing will be planned, implemented and recorded in accordance with BS7671 18th Edition and current Network Rail, Rail Group, British and International Standards. ​

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